There are mainly 3 ways for water dispensers to have water – Direct Piping or Bottled water or Pour-in. Direct piping water dispensers are connected to water point to get tap water from tap. Tap water then typically goes through a set of water filters & filtered water goes into inlet of water dispenser tanks to get heated & cooled.
< examples of direct piping water dispensers. Take notice that there is no water bottles on the machines
You need to have a WATER POINT
Direct piping water dispensers are great for when you have a water point nearby, in your office or home, to where you would like to place your water dispenser. If there isn’t a water point nearby or it’s in the washroom or somewhere far, you may need to check the feasibility with us. Just whatsapp us some pictures/video of water point to the location of desired dispenser.
NO more ordering of WATER BOTTLES needed
By using direct piping water dispenser, there is no need for ordering of water bottles from vendors and doing the bottom load change / top load change of the big bottles that are typically 16L or so. With the water point, you can enjoy UNLIMTED supply of hot and cold FILTERED water.
Greatly REDUCED carbon footprint
Think about the plastic from the carbon footprint from the big bottles & the deliveries that we have to order every week or every month. It will be greatly reduced to just 1 or 2 trips by technician to help you change the filters & service your dispenser.
< This is a picture I took when I was in CDB at a back alley. To save space and facilitate the pick-up of empty bottles, people leave them by the road.
NO more UNSIGHTLY bottles to take up your space
Direct Piping means more ugly sight of bottles or empty or filled bottles occupying your work or household real estate. Imagine the SPACE saved & gone CLUTTER.
NO water point?
Well of course, if you do not have a water point in the office or where you need the water dispenser to be, you do not have many options and have to continue using bottled water dispenser. Unless you would like to explore one more option, Pour-in type water dispenser, though it may not be for everyone.
No more are you at mercy of timely delivery of bottles. You can enjoy unlimited, uninterrupted water. There is NO need to worry about the delivery, about people changing out the empty bottles to replace new one, no need to worry about the speed of which people are drinking the water (and if you need to order earlier than the auto ship date), etc. Because direct piping water dispensers offer the convenience bottles can’t.
Enjoy the COST savings
You definitely get to enjoy savings in the long term or even immediately, if you have many people in your office (high consumption). We have a calculation page where you can input your figures to do a quick calculation of your savings. Click here to find out how much you can save >
Ok, so you are convinced to use Direct Piping Water Dispensers, what is the requirement?
- Water point (see water point image)
- Electrical socket (nearby, preferably with 1m)
(may not be compulsory): - Discharge point (ONLY if you are using stainless steel exterior water coolers)
- Drilling on counter top for tabletop direct piping water dispensers – we do not drill on marble or granite (cement & quartz ok but at additional charge)
Shop now for FILTERED premium quality water, UNINTERRUPTED supply of Hot & Cold water dispensers with cost savings!